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Battlefield Earth: A Saga for the Year 3000

Battlefield Earth: A Saga for the Year 3000   Synthèse: (Anglais) Story of a young man who decides to lead the fight against superior alien raiders who devastated the Earth on a quest for domination...

Détails: États-Unis. 2000. 117 minutes. Anglais. Color. Certification (É.-U.): PG-13.

Take back the planet.

 Équipe de production:  
Réalisation: Roger Christian  
Scénario: L. Ron Hubbard
Corey Mandell
J. David Shapiro
Musique originale:  
Production: Franchise Pictures
JTP Films
Morgan Creek Productions
Distribution: Morgan Creek Productions
Warner Bros.
Battlefield Earth - Le DVD
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 Distribution des rôles:
Barry Pepper  -->  Jonnie Goodboy Tyler
John Travolta  -->  Terl, Psychlo Chief of Security
Forest Whitaker  -->  Ker
Kim Coates  -->  Carlo
Richard Tyson  -->  Robert the Fox
Sabine Karsenti  -->  Chrissy

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    Derniers sujets discutés:
SonnyDid you like this movie
hated this film so much its almost funny. I think the trick is not to take this film at all seri...
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incaTravolta's egg head & 6 fingers (what R.H probably knew)
[url]http: // 5?path=gal lery& path_key=0 185183[/url]...
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SplendiferousOriginal Movie Poster
I love the book (apart from the middle, it sags a bit in the middle and then picks up again heroica...
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Droits d'Auteur © 1998-2025 – Popcorn Studios.
Matériel Cinématographique Protégé par Droits d'Auteurs © 2000 – Morgan Creek.
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