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The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds   Synthèse: (Anglais) The film adaptation of the story first told on radio of the invasion of Earth by Martians...

Détails: États-Unis. 1953. 85 minutes. Anglais. Technicolor. Certification (É.-U.): G.

Mighty panorama of Earth-shaking fury as an army from Mars invades!

 Équipe de production:  
Réalisation: Byron Haskin  
Scénario: Barré Lyndon
Herbert G. Wells
Musique originale: Leith Stevens  
Production: Paramount Pictures  
Distribution: Paramount Pictures  
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 Distribution des rôles:
Gene Barry  -->  Clayton Forrester
Lewis Martin  -->  Pastor Matthew Collins
Ann Robinson  -->  Sylvia Van Buren
Les Tremayne  -->  General Mann
Robert Cornthwaite  -->  Dr. Pryor
Sandro Giglio  -->  Dr. Bilderbeck

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    Derniers sujets discutés:
BigfootedfredThe New War Of the worlds movie
Wow thats a very old post. Sadly, it was just the tom cruise one. pendragon in the end did somethin...
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2010leeh1War of the Worlds (2005) - REVEIW WITH SPOILERS!
I was interested in how the setting was completely different (Martians rise from ground) in the ...
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2010leeh1Thread of 2005 remake flaws
I was interested in how the setting was completely different (Martians rise from ground) in the ...
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Droits d'Auteur © 1998-2025 – Popcorn Studios.
Matériel Cinématographique Protégé par Droits d'Auteurs © 1953 – Paramount Pictures.
Tous Droits Réservés. Pour Usage Personnel, Sans-But Lucratif. Voir Notes Légales pour Détails. - Science Fiction Cinema