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Things to Come
THINGS TO COME Le Guide SciFlicks

Things to Come   Synthèse: (Anglais) In the year 1936 a global war begins. This war drags out over many decades.....

Détails: Royaume-Uni. 1936. 100 minutes. Anglais. Black and White.

What will the next hundred years bring to mankind?

 Équipe de production:  
Réalisation: William Cameron Menzies  
Scénario: Herbert G. Wells  
Musique originale: Arthur Bliss  
Production: London Film Productions  
Distribution: Madacy Entertainment Group
United Artists
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 Distribution des rôles:
Edward Chapman  -->  Pippa Passworthy / Raymond Passworthy
Raymond Massey  -->  John Cabal / Oswald Cabal
Maurice Braddell  -->  Dr. Harding
Cedric Hardwicke  -->  Theotocopulos
Ralph Richardson  -->  The Boss
Margaretta Scott  -->  Roxana / Rowena

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    Derniers sujets discutés:
it depends on which version you're talking about. The original was good for its time while the latte...
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SonnyOriginal Movie Poster 1979
I think I must have been asleep or out down the pub when this film was released: didn't even know a ...
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SonnyOriginal Movie Poster 1936
not the poster Im familiar with. Haven't seen this original cut for about 4 years, but I recall bein...
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Droits d'Auteur © 1998-2025 – Popcorn Studios.
Matériel Cinématographique Protégé par Droits d'Auteurs © 1936 – MGM/UA.
Tous Droits Réservés. Pour Usage Personnel, Sans-But Lucratif. Voir Notes Légales pour Détails. - Science Fiction Cinema