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Weird Science

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Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 5 ko
  Chet: The boozehounds return!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 3 ko
  Chet: You're dead meat pilgrim.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 10 ko
  Lisa: So... What would you little maniacs like to do first?
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 55 ko
  Gary: I could be wrong, but I think these ladies are stoked for us, Wyatt.
Wyatt: I got that feeling myself.
Gary: What do we do?
Wyatt: I don't know.
Gary: Should we go for it?
Wyatt: What about Lisa?
Gary: She did say we should party.
Wyatt: Look, let's get on with these two girlfriends and get back to Lisa. This is like a dream come true.
Gary: How about if we see if we can score the points with these two and deal with the McKays when we get to them later.
Wyatt: Sounds good.
Gary: Okay, but whatever happens we've got to give Lisa a shot. I don't want to hurt her feelings. Maybe the girls are looking for a long lean bone job from me... Ready to party now?
Wyatt: 10-4
Gary: Let's break.
Wyatt: Right.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 6 ko
  Gary: Uh, what's this, sir?
Old man: Drink it!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 5 ko
  Chet: He pukes, you die.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 32 ko
  Gary: I was nuts for the girl... and what did it to me was these big titties she had.
Fastman: Big titties... ha ha!
Gary: She wouldn't have to worry about no titties for the rest of her life, boy, you know she was set and she was lookin' gooood son!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 8 ko
  Chet: You two donkey dicks couldn't get laid in a morgue.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 19 ko
  Wyatt: Nobody likes us. Nobody. Gary: Why are you messing with the fantasy? We know about the reality. Don't mess with the fantasy, okay?
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 18 ko
  Chet: How 'bout... a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 48 ko
  Lisa: You know, there's going to be sex, drugs, rock-and-roll... chips, dips, chains, whips... You know, your basic high school orgy type of thing. I mean, uh, I'm not talking candlewax on the nipples, or witchcraft or anything like that, no, no, no. Just a couple of hundred kids running around in their underwear acting like complete animals.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 12 ko
  Lisa: If we're going to have any kind of fun together... you guys had better loosen up.
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 4 ko
  Gary: Why don't you shut-up, bitch!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 5 ko
  Chet: You're stewed, buttwad!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 14 ko
  Gary: I can't believe this shit! I can't believe this! Did you get a free toaster with this too?
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 44 ko
  Lisa: Did you ever wonder, how sad it is, that your son's only sexual outlet... is tossing off to magazines in the bathroom?
Gary's Mom: Oh, Gary!
Gary: Ma! I never tossed off to anything!
Gary's Mom: You told me you were combing your hair!
Gary: But I was! I was!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 4 ko
  Chet: Good morning, turdbrain!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 9 ko
  Gary: Well, my nuts are halfway up my ass, but other than that, I'm perfect!
Weird Science Cliquez ici pour entendre
Fichier WAV – 32 ko
  Gary: And as for ugly ass... let me tell you something. You don't come in into my friend's house with your faggot friends, drivin' your motorbikes all over his floors, makin' a mess, stinkin' up the place, and believe me, you do stink!
Sons courtoisie de The Movie Sounds Page et Universal Pictures.

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Bicentennial Man
Blade Runner

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Droits d'Auteur © 1998-2025 – Popcorn Studios.
Matériel Cinématographique Protégé par Droits d'Auteurs © 1985 – Universal Pictures.
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